Planned Giving

The Alliance on Aging has relied on the generosity of our community in providing critical programs and services for over 72,800 older adults in Monterey County.  Now, more than ever, philanthropic funding is essential to sustain this important legacy.

Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on.

Making charitable contributions is a creative process that adapts to the changing needs and wishes of the donor. Planned giving enables a donor to arrange charitable contributions in ways that maximize his or her personal objectives while minimizing the after-tax cost.

If you include Alliance on Aging in your planned giving, please let us know. We would like to include your name in our Legacy Society of those who will help perpetuate the good work of the Alliance on Aging for the future.

From outright gifts to deferred gifts, we are grateful that you are considering including Alliance on Aging.  Should you have questions, please call our Development Office at 831-655-7564, to receive additional information and to ensure that the Alliance on Aging can use your gift for the purpose you have in mind.

Simple Language:

The Alliance on Aging, Inc. will accept donor named endowments of $25,000 or more to create permanent endowments for the Alliance on Aging programs. Tax ID 94-1747036.

Other Gift Opportunities include:

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Outright Gift of Securities
  • Gift of Retirement Assets
  • Gift of Life Insurance
  • Proceeds from the sale of real estate

Interested in gift opportunities?  We are available to assist.  Call us at 831-655-7564 or email  All those who notify of their gift are invited to become a member of the Alliance on Aging Legacy Society.

Please note: The Alliance on Aging does not provide legal or financial advice.  We recommend that you seek advice from an attorney or financial advisor when making bequests or endowments.